Monday, March 31, 2014

Then and Now

Last week I posted a current picture of me without hair.

Today I thought I'd post another selfie of me in college in about 1982 with hair. I took this for a B&W portraiture class. I had to create a self portrait of who I was.

This final one was taken by Blaine Downs when I was in the Miss Roy pageant. I was 18. This was before I cut my hair.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

January 2013

I didn't stop taking pictures. I stopped blogging. Admittedly I did take fewer pictures in 2013.

My current goal is to try and post a few of my favorite fotos at least once a week until I get caught up.

Early January. El Jay got a new haircut.

 For Christmas he got a new scooter. 

 Playing at the South Valley Economic Center

Friday, March 28, 2014

Welcome Back, Indigo

It has been a while since I was here. A very long while. Anyone who has ever read my blogs knows that one of my pet peeve for small business owners is NOT having a blog and, if you do, not keeping it up to date. WHOOPS. What follows will be a series of excuses and I will admit that that is exactly what they are. Excuses. They may be valid, but if anything is important enough to me, I know I will find the time to do it. No matter what it is.

Life kind of began falling apart a year or so ago.

Besides, lack of a job, school and kids there were two major excuses ... no... no wait.... I will make it three in this case. There are three major excuses for why I gave up on my business.  Why I have not taken time to blog for more than a year.

In March 2013 I found out that my house had officially been repossessed and we had to be out in mid-May. We’ve kind of been living under less than perfect circumstances.

In August I finally found a real job (that is not one of the excuses, but instead is part of the story I am weaving.) I also agreed to do an internship doing social media. YAY! Well in October the bookstore I was working for decided to cut back and I was let go. One week later.....I was taking a shower when I found what felt like a huge lump (bigger than a pea or marble for sure.) I do self-breast checks, not monthly, but at least every three months. Where did it come from? It seemed to appear out of nowhere.

My internship ended and they hired me--but not to do social media or photography. Which is good, since that same week my camera died. The camera was reason #3. The final straw. The camera is the big reason I stopped taking pictures and blogging. You can take pictures without a house. Or without a job. And even without boobs--IF you have a camera. Without a camera I was in limbo.

Since December I have borrowed cameras. Learned how to use my cell phone a lot more. Scanned things. And used El Jay's little camera. As of today, I am doing a happy dance, because my new camera is on its way from Hawaii. YAY.

Since every post, in my own blogging world, must have a photo.  I will share one here. You can all go elsewhere (I'll include a link here) to see more of my work and the Breast Cancer story. However, this is a Selfie of me taken at my 2nd round of cancer. Enjoy.

This was taken using my very old cell phone (I've had it for three-and-a-half-years. It is a Samsung, but any other labeling has been worn away. After taking it and sending it to my email and downloading it, etc.... I opened it in Adobe Photoshop, did some post processing and then played with it in Pic Monkey. I love Pic Monkey. (if you're looking for a basic and fun site to process pictures.) I think this is an excellent SELFIE, considering what I was working with.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Explora! Albuquerque

One of our favorite places in Albuquerque is the EXPLORA! Children's Discovery Museum.  It is also the perfect place for a client looking for a place to shoot a lifestyle type of session.