The theme for the 52-week challenge at MY FOUR HENS was emotion. I'm still not sure I have a picture to use, but I'll share what I got..... you can each choose which one speaks EMOTION to you.
On Tuesday I drove Jeddy to school because he was playing his trumpet in the Pep Band during the basketball game. As we arrived at his school the full moon was just coming up over the mountain; the light, the clouds, an awesome huge moon, was enough to take my breath away. However.... I did not have my camera with me. I dropped Jeddy off and rushed home to grab my camera. All the while watching the light and clouds change. I saw the moon as it slowly came all the way over the mountain. I still made two images I really like; one of the Moon Over Albuquerque and one of a Descanso (Spanish for to rest or resting place). Both inspire emotion in their own ways. Both are very different styles of photography and processing.... but neither felt like what I should submit this week.

Sarah at My Four Hens mentioned her baby sister is coming to visit and said she needed to schedule time to get some pictures of them together. That reminded me of the only picture I have of my sisters and me together. It was taken in 1976 when I was 14 at Robyn's wedding by Allen Gibby. I hated this picture. I was a late bloomer and felt so awkward. I held my older sisters on pedestals and I felt like I was inferior to their beauty. I hated the dress I am wearing. They didn't have time to finish my dress, so Mom rushed out and bought this dress. I hated yellow (I still do not think yellow is my best color, far from it!) My panty lines show (oops!) I can't use this picture for the challenge, but looking at it brings tears to my eyes. Sylvia died 9-years ago and Robyn and I are not close. This picture evokes emotion to me... it is about three sisters and a wedding long ago. And it is about missing both of them now.

Again, this morning I woke up... feeling I had not gotten something I felt EMOTIONAL about for week 6 of the challenge. I put water on to make tea. I let the dog out. I sat down to check my email, Facebook and Smugmug. A neighbor posted on FB that it was snowing. Snow? There was no snow when I left Champ out. What snow? I went to let the dog in and look and... it was snowing! I decided I needed to wake the boy up so he could "play" in it before it stopped and melted, but once he is up the house is so full of him and his incredible energy and my silence would be gone. Instead I grabbed the camera and a few bras and went out to get the girls playing in the snow.

When I came into the house, the Boy was sliding down the stairs, singing, "It's Snowing, it's Snowing. I'm going to play in the snow!" Actually, it had stopped snowing. Yes... Oh No.... He was awake. I quickly made him some hot chocolate and said I wanted to take a few more bra pictures, and then I wanted to get some of him in the snow.
The Boy and the Dog were not very cooperative, but here are a few of the pictures I got.....
Sadly... the snow stopped after about 45-minutes and now it has all melted. That is all about emotion too.